AJS-Object API

Opt ............... Optional instance/property (where applicable). An application may use or ignore optional return-objects/-values.
N ................. Number of instances required, permitted or available within the scope in question (applies only to user-defined objects, a dash is shown for object properties)
Object ........... Any object with an Object prototype
* .................. Many/Any-Class
BoolLit ........... Boolean literal
NumLit/Num ... Number literal or number object
StrLit/Str ........ String literal or string object
Name Class Opt N Arguments Returns Return Description
AJS Object N 1
emplaceAJSValidation Function N 1 ( Object AJS, Object AJS_Validator, Function onException) undefined
addPrefix Function ( * IOwner, StrLit/Str I, Function PFunc) Object AffixCtrl
addSuffix Function ( * IOwner, StrLit/Str I, Function SFunc) Object AffixCtrl
addWrapper Function ( * IOwner, StrLit/Str I, Function PFunc [, Function SFunc]) Object WrapperCtrl
Version StrLit
AJS_Validator_Tag StrLit
addBefore Function ( Function PFunc/SFunc) Object AffixCtrl
addAfter Function ( Function PFunc/SFunc) Object AffixCtrl
remove Function ( ) Object AffixCtrl
isAttached Function ( ) BoolLit Attachment status
getCardinality Function ( ) NumLit Execution cardinality
getNumAffixes Function ( ) NumLit Affix total
getFirstSib Function ( ) Object AffixCtrl
getLastSib Function ( ) Object AffixCtrl
getPrev Function ( ) Object AffixCtrl
getNext Function ( ) Object AffixCtrl
getFunc Function ( ) Function Affix function
setFunc Function ( Function New-PFunc/-SFunc) undefined
suspend Function ( ) undefined
resume Function ( ) undefined
suspendAll Function ( ) undefined
resumeAll Function ( ) undefined
getSuspensions Function ( ) NumLit Suspension depth
promote Function ( ) BoolLit Call success
demote Function ( ) BoolLit Call success
remove Function ( ) Object WrapperCtrl
isAttached Function ( ) BoolLit Attachment status
getPrefixCtrl Function ( ) Object AffixCtrl
getSuffixCtrl Function ( ) Object AffixCtrl
setFunc Function ( Function NewPFunc [, Function NewSFunc]) undefined
suspend Function ( ) undefined
resume Function ( ) undefined
suspendAll Function ( ) undefined
resumeAll Function ( ) undefined
promote Function ( ) BoolLit Success/No-success
demote Function ( ) BoolLit Success/No-success
PFunc Function N ([ arguments IArgs [, * PrevPrefixRtn]]) * User-defined
SFunc Function N ([ arguments IArgs [, * PrevSuffixRtn/IRtn]]) * User-defined
NewPFunc Function N ([ arguments IArgs [, * PrevPrefiRtn ]]) * User-defined
NewSFunc Function N ([ arguments IArgs [, * PrevsuffixRtn/IRtn]]) * User-defined
Interceptee Interceptee Function N 0..* ( ... ) * User-Defined
addPrefix Function ( ) Object AffixCtrl
addSuffix Function ( ) Object AffixCtrl
addWrapper Function ( ) Object WrapperCtrl
getFirstPfix Function ( ) Object AffixCtrl
getLastPfix Function ( ) Object AffixCtrl
getFirstSfix Function ( ) Object AffixCtrl
getLastSfix Function ( ) Object AffixCtrl
getNumPfixes Function ( ) NumLit Number of prefixes
getNumSfixes Function ( ) NumLit Number of suffixes
Call-Back onException Function N ( StrLit/Str ExceptionClassName, StrLit/Str Message, [, NumLit/Num StackOffset]) undefined